Somewhere back in my brain I remember that glass can change in successive firings. Especially the red, orange and yellow. Since I usually full fuse at around 1410° F (765° C) and often full fuse and slump in one firing, I did not encounter those issues.

But as Wissmach’s kiln glass consultant I have spoken to people with various fusing questions. In most cases we were able to solve the issues by changing their firing schedule. Therefor I sat down and wrote a Firing E-Book. 

Recently I did get some 90 COE glass (not Wissmach) to test.  So at first I fired it at 1410° F (765° C) and placed it between the polarized film on our Fuse It Test Card. The results were very good. No stress at all. The transparent dark red was still transparent and did not show any stress. The opaque orange of course was still opaque and also did not show any stress and the yellow transparent was equally perfect.

In a second test I took the same test glass piece and fired it again at a higher temperature; 1460° F (794° C). The orange and the yellow stayed the same. No stress and no change of transparency. But we could see a lot of change in the dark red. It turned opaque and is now showing a lot of stress

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