Last week I went shopping in a small store, where the owner as well as her staff wore face masks. But many of their customers did not. After I asked her how she felt about it, she said as long they don’t make mask wearing mandatory, she could not say anything. So I made her a sign and it is already making a difference.

Some of you might have a similar situation and If you like, you could print a PDF File of this image to make your own sign(s).

Those of you who have met me personally know how I love to be with people. Since the current developments give little hope that I will be able to see many of you personally this year, I wanted to try a get together in our Facebook Group “Creative Kiln Forming”.

This get together is meant to get to know each other, ask questions and if it works well, we could repeat it regularly. Artists thrive by exchanging ideas and collaborating. And this could become our platform.

For those of you who would want to take a class, I also added a virtual class option to our cart.

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